PASO 17: El jugador presionará la tecla de espaciar para tirar el balón. Clic en la pestaña Codesters en el Toolkit.

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stage.set_background("halfcourt") sprite = codesters.Sprite("player4") sprite.go_to(215, -175) net = codesters.Sprite("basketballnet") net.go_to(215, 175) ball = codesters.Sprite("basketball") x = random.randint(-100, 150) ball.go_to(x, -25) stage.set_gravity(10) stage.set_bounce(.8) ball.set_gravity_off() net.set_gravity_off() left_count = 0 down_count = 0 def left_key(): ball.move_left(10) global left_count left_count += 1 # add other actions... stage.event_key("left", left_key) def down_key(): ball.move_down(10) global down_count down_count += 1 # add other actions... stage.event_key("down", down_key)
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