STEP 22: Let's make the blocks appear less often.

The line that reads stage.event_interval(interval,·2) is the event listener. It tells the stage to run the interval event every 2 seconds. The number controls how often the event runs.

  • Change how often the interval runs to 5 seconds.

stage.set_background("space") sprite = codesters.Sprite("spaceship") sprite.set_size(0.5) sprite.go_to(-200, 0) stage.set_gravity(10) stage.disable_all_walls() def space_bar(): sprite.jump(5) # add other actions... stage.event_key("space", space_bar) def interval(): top_height = random.randint(50, 300) # sprite = codesters.Sprite("image", x, y) top_rock = codesters.Sprite("asteroid", 300, 0) top_rock.set_height(top_height) top_rock.set_gravity_off() top_rock.set_y_speed(0) top_rock.set_top(250) bot_height = 350 - top_height bot_rock = codesters.Sprite("asteroid",300, 0) bot_rock.set_height(bot_height) bot_rock.set_gravity_off() bot_rock.set_y_speed(0) bot_rock.set_bottom(-250) top_rock.set_x_speed(-2) bot_rock.set_x_speed(-2) # add any other actions... stage.event_interval(interval, 2)