STEP 8: Now we need to use an index to get an image label for our character's head!

  • Go to and drag another Get Value at Index to the bottom of your program.
  • Change the variable name from my_var to head_image.
  • Change the list name from my_list to head_list.
  • Change the index in brackets from 0 to random_head. The index is now a random number from 0 to 5!

######################################################################## # PLACE LIST CREATIONS HERE # ######################################################################## stage_list = ["moon", "mars", "jupiter", "pluto", "space", "city"] head_list = ["head1", "head2", "head3", "head4", "head5", "head6"] ######################################################################## # PLACE ALL OTHER CODE BELOW THIS # ######################################################################## stage_image = stage_list[1] stage.set_background(stage_image) random_head = random.randint(0, 5)