STEP 17: The string we made in the last activity isn't quite finished. We need to add some more information to it.

When using string concatenation, make sure to include spaces at the end and beginning of strings if needed.

  • Use string concatenation to add onto the string we just made, like this:
    • message = "GAME OVER. YOU COLLECTED " + str(score) + " POINTS!"
  • Watch out for spaces needed at the start or end of strings!

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# Program variables (DON'T DELETE!!!) block_speed = -6 # controls how fast the pipes move across the stage block_gap = 200 # controls the space between the top and bottom of each pipe block_interval = 1 # controls how often a new pipe appears gravity = 8 # controls how fast the sprite falls flappiness = 5 # controls how much the sprite moves up # Store and display score score = 0 score_text = codesters.Text("Score: " + str(score), 100, 200, "yellow") ######################################################################## # ADD CODE BELOW THIS LINE # ######################################################################## stage.set_background("space") stage.disable_all_walls() sprite = codesters.Sprite("dinosaur") sprite.set_size(0.4) sprite.set_say_color("yellow") sprite.say("TAP THE SPACE BAR TO GUIDE ME THROUGH THE BLOCKS!", 3) sprite.go_to(-200, 0) stage.set_gravity(gravity) def space_bar(): sprite.jump(flappiness) stage.event_key("space", space_bar) def interval(): global score score += 1 score_text.set_text("Score: " + str(score)) make_blocks() stage.event_interval(interval, block_interval) def make_blocks(): pass # delete after adding indented code y1 = random.randint(-250, -100) # sprite = codesters.Rectangle(x, y, width, height, "color") sprite = codesters.Rectangle(250, y1, 100, 300, "red") sprite.set_gravity_off() sprite.set_x_speed(block_speed) y2 = y1 + 150 + block_gap + 150 # sprite = codesters.Rectangle(x, y, width, height, "color") sprite = codesters.Rectangle(250, y2, 100, 300, "red") sprite.set_gravity_off() sprite.set_x_speed(block_speed) def collision(sprite, hit_sprite): sprite.set_physics_off() stage.event_interval(None) # add any other actions... sprite.event_collision(collision)
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