STEP 14: Using the distance formula, we can calculate the distance between two sprites. This formula uses our delta_y (rise) and delta_x (run) to calculate the straight-line distance.

The distance formula is based on the Pythagorean Theorem (a2 + b2 = c2), so solving for c will give us the distance.

  • From , drag out Distance Formula to the bottom of your code.
  • Now that we know how far apart Emma and Michael are, we can make something happen if they are too close!

stage.set_background("schoolentrance") stage.wait(2) stage.create_grid_overlay(50, "blue") stage.set_background_color("azure") emma = codesters.Sprite("person1") emma.set_size(0.5) michael = codesters.Sprite("person2") michael.set_size(0.5) emma_x = random.randint(-230,230) emma_y = random.randint(-230,230) emma.go_to(emma_x, emma_y) michael_x = random.randint(-230,230) michael_y = random.randint(-230,230) michael.go_to(michael_x, michael_y) delta_x = emma_x - michael_x delta_y = emma_y - michael_y