STEP 9: We'll use a list of sprite image labels to create many sprites at once.

A list stores a group of values together. You can store strings, integers, variables, sprites, and shapes in lists!

  • Click on the LOGIC tab. Go to .
  • Drag out People Sprites. Drop it at the bottom of your program.

Click Run, Submit and Next to go to a demo explaining how we will use this list to control our sprites!

stage.set_background_color("lightblue") # sprite = codesters.Rectangle(x, y, width, height, "color") sprite = codesters.Rectangle(0, 0, 700, 100, "gold") sprite.turn_left(45) # sprite = codesters.Rectangle(x, y, width, height, "color") sprite = codesters.Rectangle(0, 0, 700, 100, "gold") sprite.turn_right(45) sprite = codesters.Sprite("earth")