STEP 11: Let's add some more actions to the function! Make sure these are all INSIDE the function!

  • Use Say INSIDE the reward_scene function to have the wizard say "Here is your reward!"
  • Drop the Treasure Chest into the function and rename it treasure.
  • Drag Function Call to into your program, OUTSIDE the function. Change the name to reward_scene.

sprite = codesters.Sprite("knight1", -175, -150) sprite.set_speed(2) def park_scene(): stage.set_background("park") sprite.say("I should hurry to the castle!") sprite.move_forward(550) park_scene() def bridge_scene(): stage.set_background("drawbridge") sprite.go_to(-175, -150) sprite.say("I made it!") stage.wait(2) bridge_scene() def battle_scene(): dragon = codesters.Sprite("dragon", 150, -150) sprite.say("Oh no a dragon!") sprite.move_forward(300) dragon.turn_left(360) dragon.move_down(200) sprite.say("The path is clear!") battle_scene() def reward_scene(): stage.set_background("castle") wizard = codesters.Sprite("wizard", -150, -150) wizard.say("You defeated the dragon!") stage.wait(2)