STEP 8: Let's defeat the dragon!

  • Go to . Use .move() and .turn() commands to create your battle.
  • Try having the knight move to the dragon to attack and have the dragon fall off the bridge.
  • Get creative and add some jumps and turns to make the battle more complex.
  • After the battle, use Say to have the knight declare "The path is clear!"

sprite = codesters.Sprite("knight1", -175, -150) sprite.set_speed(2) def park_scene(): stage.set_background("park") sprite.say("I should hurry to the castle!") sprite.move_forward(550) park_scene() def bridge_scene(): stage.set_background("drawbridge") sprite.go_to(-175, -150) sprite.say("I made it!") stage.wait(2) bridge_scene() def battle_scene(): dragon = codesters.Sprite("dragon", 150, -150) sprite.say("Oh no a dragon!")