Time to create the bottom block. We'll start by creating a variable for the height.

  • Click on the PYTHON tab. Go to and drag Integer Variable inside the interval() event.
  • Change the name of the variable (the word before the = sign) to bot_height.
  • Change the value (after the = sign) to 350 - top_height.

Now we will always have a gap of 350 pixels to move the bike through.

stage.set_background("city") sprite = codesters.Sprite("bike") sprite.set_size(0.5) sprite.go_to(-200, 0) stage.set_gravity(10) stage.disable_all_walls() def space_bar(): sprite.jump(5) # add other actions... stage.event_key("space", space_bar) def interval(): # add any other actions... top_height = random.randint(50, 300) # sprite = codesters.Rectangle(x, y, width, height, "color") top_block = codesters.Rectangle(0, 0, 100, top_height, "blue") top_block.set_gravity_off() top_block.set_top(250) stage.event_interval(interval, 2)