• Look at the stage to review the main concepts from the lesson.
  • Once all the main concepts appear, you will get the "Great Job" feedback. Click Submit to finish and turn in the lesson.

lesson_title = "Cybersecurity" review_points = ["Cybersecurity is the protection of networks, devices, and data from unauthorized use", "Systems are groups of related parts that affect each other and work together as a whole", "Systems thinking involves considering all the different parts of a system, how they work together, and how they affect each other", 'Cybersecurity requires systems thinking because it is a big, complex system', "Cybersecurity is an important and growing professional field with a variety of career options" ] colors = ["#802492", "#802392", "#995FA3", "#9A98B5", "#9a8ab1", "#A0B9C6", "#A5F8D3"] ####################################################### # DON'T EDIT CODE BELOW ####################################################### import codesters import random from codesters.demo import Demo from codesters import Text stage_width = float(stage.get_stage_width()) stage_height = float(stage.get_stage_height()) offstage_below = -1000 # Use as y value to create objects below the stage bullet = u"• " wait_time = 1 colors = ["#802492", "#802392", "#995FA3", "#9A98B5", "#9a8ab1", "#A0B9C6", "#A5F8D3"] def stamp_animation(sprite, x, y): opacity = 0 sprite.set_opacity(opacity) sprite.set_size(3) sprite.set_x(x) for counter in range(10): opacity += .1 size = .895 sprite.set_opacity(opacity) sprite.set_size(size) stage.wait(1/60) demo = Demo() stage.set_background_color("black") header = Text(lesson_title + " Review", 50, 235, "silver") header.set_text_size(50) header.set_text_width(stage_width) carets = [] y = 275 for counter in range(7): c = Text("⌃", -460, y, colors[counter]) c.set_rotation(180) c.set_text_size(150) c.set_text_width("bold") y -= 80 carets.append(c) dimmed = False def interval(): stage.event_interval(None) global dimmed if dimmed: opacity = 1 dimmed = False else: opacity = .3 dimmed = True for c in carets: c.set_opacity(opacity) stage.wait(.75) stage.event_interval(interval, 4) stage.event_interval(interval, .1) # Create the text sprites, but don't show them yet rev_text_sprites = [] y = 185 counter = 6 for point in review_points: rev = Text(bullet + point, -400, y, None) rev.hide() rev.set_color(colors[counter]) rev.set_text_width(880) rev.set_text_size(30) rev.set_text_align("left") rev.set_top(y-15) rev_text_sprites.append(rev) y = rev.get_bottom() counter -= 1 stage.wait(2) # Show the text sprites, show a blinking cursor to indicate net counter = len(rev_text_sprites) access_index = 1 for sprite in rev_text_sprites: stamp_animation(sprite, -350, sprite.get_y()) if access_index <= len(rev_text_sprites)-1: c = Text("|", -350, rev_text_sprites[access_index].get_top()-15, colors[counter]) c.set_text_size(30) for i in range(10): c.hide() stage.wait(.5) stage.wait(.5) stage.remove_sprite(c) access_index += 1 counter -= 1 stage.wait(5) sprite_list = demo.remind_student_to_submit(-175, -275, 25) for sprite in sprite_list: if sprite.get_name() == 'line' or sprite.get_name() == 'arrowLine': sprite.set_color("white") elif sprite.get_text() != None: sprite.set_color("white") tester = TestManager() tester.display_success_message("Great job!") stage.wait(10) stage.event_interval(None)