Now change your game by changing the mechanics.

  • What actions will happen in your game?
  • Try adding that happen if the player clicks a token or if they click an obstacle.
  • Consult your packet and prototype to determine how you want to change the mechanics of your game.

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stage.set_background("underwater") score = 0 score_board = codesters.Display(score) weak_pws = ["password", "password123", "123456", "hello1", "snuffles", "emma2003"] strong_pws = ["GgbvTa581!@", "@Mjrc0olguy!", "007jmSB0nd!", "108turt!es762", "Avv3SoMe!305"] all_pws = strong_pws + weak_pws password = codesters.Text("password") def interval(): rand_x = random.randint(-225, 225) rand_y = random.randint(-225, 225) rand_pw = random.choice(all_pws) password.set_text(rand_pw) password.go_to(rand_x, rand_y) stage.event_interval(interval, 3) def click(sprite): global score pw_text = password.get_text() if pw_text in weak_pws: score -= 1 score_board.update(score) if pw_text in strong_pws: score += 1 score_board.update(score) rand_x = random.randint(-240, 240) rand_y = random.randint(-240, 240) rand_pw = random.choice(all_pws) password.set_text(rand_pw) password.go_to(rand_x, rand_y) if score == 10: text = codesters.Text("You Win!", 0, 150, "red") password.hide() password.event_click(click)
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