Codesters 简介

了解如何使用 Codesters 平台创建你自己的项目、动画和游戏。

Try the First Lesson


Codesters 的介绍可耕不需要先修的知识, 并会给你足够的背景让你立刻开始自己的项目。在Codesters 的介绍后, 学生们已经准备好进入到 Python 介绍中完整的40课了。

Coding Topics
  • 控制台
  • 背景图像
  • 精灵的行动和动作
  • 形状和绘画
  • 点击事件
  • 键盘事件
  • 调试
  • 解决问题
  • 计算思维
  • 算法


Building Your First Program

Students are introduced to the basics of creating interactive and animated programs in Codesters by using the drag and drop tools along with the text based code editor. Students will customize, debug, and create their own interactive greeting card.




学生学习如何在画布上添加各种颜色和大小的形状, 以得到任何他们想要的图片。通过学习如何添加和更改形状, 学生会自然地理解变量并使用函数和对象的参数。

Codesters 教育法

Each project-based lesson has around 20 activities and its divided into 3 phases: Build, Modify, and Create. The activities in the Build and Modify phases are automatically graded, including debugging and assessment activities. The capstone Create project for each lesson is graded by the teacher using a rubric provided by Codesters.


Students start by building an example project, through which they develop key coding skills. Debugging activities help students learn specific rules about syntax and the structure of code. Assessments include multiple choice questions and journal responses.


Once students have built their example project they are asked to customize the program to solidify their understanding and demonstrate proficiency with the skills they learned.


Students create a new project from scratch that uses the same core skills skills they developed in the example project. This capstone project for each lesson creates opportunities for students to deepen their understanding and to demonstrate mastery of coding topics.

Standards Alignment

Our curriculum is aligned to the CCSS Standards for Mathematical Practice as well as Computer Science standards from the most recent draft of the CSTA K-12 Standards (K-8). For Mathematical Practice standards we address problem-solving skills, perseverance, strategic planning, and place value on developing an efficient problem solving approach. For Computer Science we address the standards identified in the Algorithms and Programming.

CCCSS MP1: Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. In each lesson, students are given direct instruction as they build a example program that includes the programming concepts the lesson addresses. Throughout the build process, students are intermittently asked to solve "debugging" challenges that ask them to figure out a common problem and find a way to fix it. As a culminating activity for each lesson, students are given a real-world based programming challenge that allows them to use the skills they've practiced in the lesson.

CCSS MP7: Look for and Make Use of Structure. The first lessons in our curriculum stress the importance of order and simple data structures in programming. Programs run in order; students create programs that follow a single path from beginning to end. As they build their example programs, they get instructions, examples, and non-examples that start to bear out the kind of structure that is inherent to high quality programs. When they are asked to create their own original programs, they make use of the structural elements from the lessons.

CCSS MP8: Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning. Our curriculum starts students as beginning text-based programmers. Their first tasks are to use pre-built commands delivered in a certain order so that they get a certain visual outcome. This approach allows students to see specific output/visual feedback that relates to the individual commands they’ve used.

K-12 CSTA Framework Concept: Algorithms and Programming. All of our lessons have been developed with this framework concept in mind. We provided scaffolded instructions that walks students through the most basic programming concepts to levels where students are dealing with sophisticated and abstract programming concepts.








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