STEP 8: Green is nice, but what if the user wants a different color? Let's add a way to change the pen's color.

We'll create a list of colors. A list is a way to store multiple values at once.

  • Click the LOGIC tab in the toolkit, then click .
  • Drag out Rainbow and drop it at the very bottom of your program.

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stage.set_background_color("black") # sprite = codesters.Point(x, y) sprite = codesters.Point(50, 100) sprite.set_color("green") sprite.pen_down() def right_key(): sprite.move_right(20) # add other actions... stage.event_key("right", right_key) def left_key(): sprite.move_left(20) # add other actions... stage.event_key("left", left_key) def up_key(): sprite.move_up(20) # add other actions... stage.event_key("up", up_key) def down_key(): sprite.move_down(20) # add other actions... stage.event_key("down", down_key)
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