¡Ahora deslízala hacia la derecha!
Recuerda, es importante no borrar el paréntesis.
To navigate the page using the TAB key, first press ESC to exit the code editor.
Tu micro:bit no está configurado para este programa. Siga estos pasos para usar su dispositivo con Codesters:
Tu micro:bit tiene una versión antigua del archivo binario de Codesters. Siga estos pasos para actualizar el archivo en su micro: bit:
Advertencia: Esto borrará cualquier programa existente en tu micro:bit.
¿Teniendo problemas? Consulta las instrucciones de micro:bit para actualizar tu firmware.
Setting up your micro:bit
Calibrate your micro:bit by tilting it until all the LEDs are lit.
For a demonstration see the micro:bit calibration instructions.
Try the following steps to connect to your Micro:bit:
1. You may need to reload this page and try your program again.
2. Try disconnecting and reconnecting your Micro:bit. Then reload the page and run your program again.
3. If you are still having problems your Micro:bit may have an old firmware version that is incompatible with Codesters.
To update the firmware follow these Micro:bit instructions.
Are you already running a Codesters project in another tab or window?
Micro:bit can only connect to one web page at a time. Try stopping other Codesters projects or closing other tabs or windows that may be using your Micro:bit.
If that doesn't fix the problem try disconnecting your Micro:bit, reloading this page, and reconnecting your Micro:bit.
Status: Connected!
Status: Connecting...
Status: Still connecting...
Status: Failure
Status: Not Found
Is your Micro:bit connected?