Enter any Triangle as three points on the grid. The program will plot it (if it fits) and give the three edge lengths in the console. Close the console to view the triangle. To fit the grid, I discovered 25 pixels to the side of a grid cell did the trick. For a more complete Triangle class that doesn't draw anything see: https://github.com/4dsolutions/Python5/blob/master/triangles.py

from math import sqrt as rt2 stage.set_background("grid2") sprite = turtle.Turtle() sprite.hideturtle() sprite.width(5) sprite.penup() def draw_me(A, B, C): sprite.clear() sprite.goto(A[0], A[1]) sprite.pendown() sprite.shape("turtle") sprite.color("blue") sprite.goto(B[0], B[1]) sprite.color("red") sprite.goto(C[0], C[1]) sprite.color("green") sprite.goto(A[0], A[1]) sprite.penup() def ask_user(): print "Separate numbers by space" a,b = input("Point A? ").split() Ax,Ay = int(a)*25, int(b)*25 a,b = input("Point B? ").split() Bx,By = int(a)*25, int(b)*25 a,b = input("Point C? ").split() Cx,Cy = int(a)*25, int(b)*25 draw_me((Ax,Ay),(Bx,By),(Cx,Cy)) t = Triangle((Ax,Ay),(Bx,By),(Cx,Cy)) print("Sides\n a: {}\n b: {}\n c: {}".format(t.a(), t.b(), t.c())) print("Area:{}".format(t.area())) class Triangle: in_radians = True def __init__(self, Axy, Bxy, Cxy): self._Axy = Axy self._Bxy = Bxy self._Cxy = Cxy def a(self): Bx, By = self._Bxy Cx, Cy = self._Cxy return (1./25) * rt2((Bx - Cx)**2 + (By - Cy)**2) def b(self): Ax, Ay = self._Axy Cx, Cy = self._Cxy return (1./25) * rt2((Ax - Cx)**2 + (Ay - Cy)**2) def c(self): Ax, Ay = self._Axy Bx, By = self._Bxy return (1./25) * rt2((Ax - Bx)**2 + (Ay - By)**2) def area(self): """ Heron's formula """ s = (self.a() + self.b() + self.c())/2.0 return rt2(s*(s-self.a())*(s-self.b())*(s-self.c())) ask_user()
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