stage.set_background("schoolentrance") sprite = codesters.Sprite("person7") stage.wait(0.5) sprite.say("Hi, my name is Sophia",2,"red") choice = sprite.ask("What's your name?") sprite.say("I love your name!",2,"red") choice = sprite.ask("Do you consider sexism a worldwide problem") sprite.say("Today we are going to talk about sexism and its affects",3, "red") sprite.say("Sexism can be shown in more ways then you think",2, "red") sprite.say("My friend Faith, will talk to you now", 2, "red") sprite.say("She has experience and facts about sexism, that she is going to share with you", 5, "red") stage.remove_sprite(sprite) sprite = codesters.Sprite("person13") sprite.set_left(-110) sprite.set_bottom(-200) sprite.say("Hi. I'm Faith, we are going inside the school today to see types of sexism", 4, "blue") stage.set_background("schoolhallway") sprite.say("This is who I am,", 2, "black") stage.remove_sprite(sprite) sprite = codesters.Sprite("princess") sprite.set_bottom(-200) sprite.say("But this is who I'm expected to be", 2, "black") stage.remove_sprite(sprite) sprite = codesters.Sprite("person13") sprite.set_bottom(-200) sprite.say("Women are constantly being tought that we supposed to have a small figure and such, through things like dress codes.", 5, "black") choice = sprite.ask("Have you ever felt this way?") sprite.say("Here is an example of dress codes causing body shaming mostly on women.", 5, "black") stage.remove_sprite(sprite) spritekid = codesters.Sprite("person1") spritekid.set_bottom(-200) spritekid.set_right(250) spriteteacher = codesters.Sprite("person15") spriteteacher.set_height(200) spriteteacher.set_bottom(-200) spriteteacher.set_left(-250) spriteteacher.move_right(200) spriteteacher.say("Miss Claire, as the exceptional student you are, I must send you to the office.", 4, "black") spritekid.move_left(75) spritekid.say("What is the reason?", 2, "black") spriteteacher.say("Your dress is above your knees, that is against dress code.", 3, "black") stage.remove_sprite(spritekid) stage.remove_sprite(spriteteacher) spriteN = codesters.Sprite("person13") spriteN.set_bottom(-200) spriteN.say("Because of this Clarie was sent home and came back the next day wearing a school approprite outfit, this is what happened", 5, "black") stage.remove_sprite(spriteN) spritekid = codesters.Sprite("person1") spritekid.set_bottom(-200) spritekid.set_right(175) spritefriend = codesters.Sprite("cheerleader4") spritefriend.set_bottom(-200) spritefriend.set_right(100) spritefriend.set_height(165) spritefriend.say("Why are you wearing that, no offense, but that dress is ugly", 3, "black") spritekid.say("I got in trouble for wearing my other dress yesterday, so this one follows dress code", 3, "black") spritefriend.say("ok? See you tonight I guess?", 2, "black") stage.remove_sprite(spritekid) stage.remove_sprite(spritefriend) spriteN = codesters.Sprite("person13") spriteN.set_bottom(-200) spriteN.say("Tonight is the football game, as the popular person Claire once was she would totally have a friend to go with, but no matter who she texted, everyone seemed busy", 8, "black") stage.remove_sprite(spriteN) stage.set_background("footballfield2") spritegirl = codesters.Sprite("person1") spritegirl.set_height(145) spritegirl.set_left(-90) spritegirl.say("Wow, no one is here, I'll just text my mom to pick me up", 3, "black") stage.remove_sprite(spritegirl) spriteN = codesters.Sprite("person13") spriteN.set_bottom(-200) spriteN.say("So while she was at the game everyone was off to a party, and this all started with a dress code", 5, "black") spriteN.say("Here is an example of a dress code,and you'll see how sexism comes to play", 4, "black") stage.remove_sprite(spriteN) stage.set_background("schoolentrance") spriteteacher = codesters.Sprite("person4") spriteteacher.set_bottom(-200) spriteteacher.say("Hello students, welcome to School of Code, today we have to esblish a dress code", 4, "red") spriteteacher.say("We have two print outs of the dress codes, one for the boys, one for the girls, the boy's is one page and the girl's is 5", 5, "red") stage.remove_sprite(spriteteacher) spriten = codesters.Sprite("person13") spriten.set_bottom(-200) spriten.say("So, evidently, this automatically makes a dress code sexist because of the code being more appointed towards girls.", 5, "red") spriten.say("This then leads to body shaming because, to young minds it implies that their bodies are something to be covered up, and stay that way", 6, "red") spriten.say("Dress codes are more appointed to girls and women, but don't think that sexism is all about women, men also share the pain.", 5, "red") spriten.say("So I hope you got something out of this example and information, and please, love you body, be the start of something, cause change. Share equailty, and never look at someone differently based on thier gender", 10, "black") stage.remove_sprite(spriten) stage.set_background_color("White") spritea = codesters.Sprite("alien2") # sprite = codesters.Text("text", x, y, "color") spritea.say("Sexism: prejudice, stereotyping, or discrimination, typically against women, on the basis of sex.", 5, "black") stage.remove_sprite(spritea) choice = sprite.ask("What is your gender?") stage.remove_sprite(sprite) if choice == "female": # sprite = codesters.Text("text") sprite = codesters.Text("Love your body, and don't ever deal with sexist people, you are loved, your are seen, you are important. Your smart and strong, and no one can tell you otherwise!") else: sprite = codesters.Text("Hey, we love you no matter what gender, anyone who only sees your sex and not you, is wrong, be you, for heavens sake, be you!!") if choice == "male": #add your code here sprite = codesters.Text("We see your stuggles too, we understand, and you are seen, you are not a background. Love yourself, be you don't body shame yourself, your perfect, make the right decision!") else: sprite = codesters.Text("Hey, we love you no matter what gender, anyone who only sees your sex and not you, is wrong, be you, for heavens sake, be you!!")
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