A list of lists creates an 8x8 "chessboard" wherein each square is initialized with a random background, choosing from Background Images. Arrow keys let one navigate the board. Upon reach an edge, the logic wraps around to the other end of the same row or column. Students might want to alter the logic. Perhaps there's no going further in that direction, or perhaps the row spirals to the next. In this version, only one "mars" square will be present, randomly placed, and a goal is to find it. However, this setup merely suggests possible games. Consider this a "starter kit" with embedded teachings about shuffling and randomizing.

bgs = ['summer', 'schoolhallway', 'schoolentrance', 'hauntedhouse', 'spring', 'hauntedhouseinterior', 'subway', 'fall', 'space', 'castle', 'moon', 'park', 'underwater', 'concert', 'theater', 'city', 'stadium', 'game', 'grid', 'grid2', 'field', 'volcano', 'forest', 'halfcourt', 'cornfield', 'mars', 'onlineprofile', 'pond', 'jupiter', 'pluto', 'silo', 'drawbridge', 'barn', 'footballfield2', 'houseinterior', 'soccerfield', 'flowers', 'footballfield', 'jungle', 'tilewall', 'baseballfield'] from random import shuffle, randint # initialize list of lists board = [ ] for row in range(8): shuffle(bgs) board.append(bgs[0:8]) secret_row, secret_col = randint(0,7), randint(0,7) board[secret_row][secret_col] = "mars" caption = None talker = None def show_bg(r, c): global caption, talker if caption and talker: stage.remove_sprite(caption) stage.remove_sprite(talker) name = board[r][c] stage.set_background(name) stage.set_background_scale(0.7) stage.set_background_x(-200) stage.set_background_y(200) talker = codesters.Text(str(r) + ", " + str(c), 200, -200) caption = codesters.Text(name, -10, -200) if board[r][c] == "mars": stage.remove_sprite(talker) talker = codesters.Text("You win!!!", 200, -200) row = 0 column = 0 show_bg(row, column) def left_key(): global column, row column = column - 1 if column < 0: column = 7 show_bg(row, column) def right_key(): global column, row column = column + 1 if column > 7: column = 0 show_bg(row, column) def up_key(): global column, row row = row - 1 if row < 0: row = 7 show_bg(row, column) def down_key(): global row, column row = row + 1 if row > 7: row = 0 show_bg(row, column) stage.event_key("left", left_key) stage.event_key("right", right_key) stage.event_key("up", up_key) stage.event_key("down", down_key)
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