Now tell the player how to play your game using comments.

  • Right below your title, write comments with instructions for your game.
  • To create a new comment, you must start the new line with a hashtag #.
  • Make sure you explain the mechanics, goals, and rules of your game to the player.

To navigate the page using the TAB key, first press ESC to exit the code editor.

stage.set_background("schoolhallway") sprite = codesters.Sprite("person10", -125, -100) emma = codesters.Sprite("person8", 0, -125) points = 0 # first scene emma.say("Someone took my phone!") stage.wait(3) emma.say("They've been sending people mean texts, and people think I sent them!") stage.wait(3) sprite.say("What should I do?") choice = sprite.ask("a)Tell a trusted adult b)Tell people Tanya is sending the messages c)Ignore Tanya") # text = codesters.Text("text", x, y) text = codesters.Text("Hello up here.", 0, 200) if choice == "a": text.set_text("Great choice!") if choice == "b": text.set_text("It's not very nice to spread rumors!") if choice == "c": text.set_text("Don't be a bystander, stand up to bullying!") emma.move_right(500) # second scene mike = codesters.Sprite("person12") mike.go_to(0, -125) mike.say("Someone has been harassing me online!") stage.wait(3) mike.say("I think my friend Tom might be doing it.") stage.wait(3) sprite.say("What should I do?") choice = sprite.ask("a)Laugh at Mike b)Sympathize with Mike c)Harass Tom") if choice == "a": text.set_text("Think how that makes Mike feel!") if choice == "b": text.set_text("Great job!") if choice == "c": text.set_text("Don't fight harassment by harassing someone else!")
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