STEP 19: Now we need to check if the turtle has collided with a car. That would mean we lose!

  • Go to the LOGIC tab and the toolkit. Drag if or into the collision event.
  • Make sure that the first line of the if statement is only indented once. The other lines should be indented twice!
  • Change both choice variables to image. Change "yes" to "car1" and change "y" to "car2".
  • This will check to see if we've collided with the red cars or the blue cars!

To navigate the page using the TAB key, first press ESC to exit the code editor.

# sprite = codesters.Rectangle(x, y, width, height, "color") start = codesters.Rectangle(0, -250, 500, 50, "red") # sprite = codesters.Rectangle(x, y, width, height, "color") finish = codesters.Rectangle(0, 250, 500, 50, "green") my_list = [-150, -50, 50, 150] for value in my_list: pass # delete after adding indented code # add code here # sprite = codesters.Rectangle(x, y, width, height, "color") sprite = codesters.Rectangle(0, value, 500, 50, "gray") # sprite = codesters.Sprite("image", x, y) sprite = codesters.Sprite("turtle1", 0, -240) sprite.set_size(.2) sprite.turn_left(90) def interval(): my_var = random.choice(my_list) if my_var == -150 or my_var == 50: pass # delete after adding indented code # add your code here sprite = codesters.Sprite("car1", -400, my_var) sprite.turn_right(90) sprite.set_size(0.5) sprite.set_x_speed(2) if my_var == -50 or my_var == 150: pass # delete after adding indented code # add your code here sprite = codesters.Sprite("car2", 400, my_var) sprite.turn_left(90) sprite.set_size(0.5) sprite.set_x_speed(-2) stage.event_interval(interval, 0.5) stage.disable_all_walls() def up_key(): sprite.move_up(20) # add other actions... stage.event_key("up", up_key) def down_key(): sprite.move_down(20) # add other actions... stage.event_key("down", down_key) def left_key(): sprite.move_left(20) # add other actions... stage.event_key("left", left_key) def right_key(): sprite.move_right(20) # add other actions... stage.event_key("right", right_key) # sprite = codesters.Text("text") result = codesters.Text("") def collision(sprite, hit_sprite): image = hit_sprite.get_image_name() color = hit_sprite.get_color() if color == "green": pass # delete after adding indented code # add your code here result.set_text("YOU WIN!") result.set_color("green") sprite.event_collision(collision)
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