This program will show you how to use the ARC statement to draw partial circles. Remember: A circle is 360 degrees

# SHAPES Tookit - DRAWING SHAPES # EXAMPLE 1 - SEMI CIRCLE # The semi or half circle needs to total 180 degrees # Start and end angle of 0,180 draws the top half of a circle # Start and end angle of 180,360 draws te bottom half of a circle # sprite = codesters.Arc(x, y, radius, start-angle, end-angle, "color") arc1sprite = codesters.Arc(60, 150, 100, 0, 180, "blue") arc2sprite = codesters.Arc(-60, 150, 100, 180, 360, "blue") stage.wait(2) # EXAMPLE 2 - TILTED SEMI CIRCLE # How would you draw a semi or half circle that was tilted? # You just need a start-angle of any number greater than 0 # add 180 to the start-agle to arrive at the end_angle. # Start angle greater that 0 # add 180 for the end angle tilt1sprite = codesters.Arc(-20, 0, 100, 45, 225, "red") tilt2sprite = codesters.Arc(20, 0, 100, 225, 405, "red") stage.wait(2) # EXAMPLE 3: ANY PORTION OF A CIRCLE # If you want a sliver of a cirle, just add any number to the # start angle. # EXAMPLE 3 - ANY PORTION OF A CIRCLE # Start angle anything # End angle less that 180 - circle sliver # End ange greater than 180 - Sliver of a circle missing sliver1sprite = codesters.Arc(-50, -150, 100, 35, 100, "purple") sliver2sprite = codesters.Arc(50, -150, 100, 35, 280, "purple") stage.wait(2) # EXAMPLE 4 - using multiple lines of TEXT # and text placement stage.wait(2) arc1sprite.hide() arc2sprite.hide() tilt1sprite.hide() tilt2sprite.hide() sliver1sprite.hide() sliver2sprite.hide() stage.set_background_color("white") heading = codesters.Text("HOW TO USE ARC",0,175) heading.set_color("red") heading.set_size(1.5) text1 = codesters.Text("Look at the Code:",0,120) text1.set_color("#14a4dd") text1.set_size(1.25) text2 = codesters.Text("Example 1 - Semi Circle",0,80) text3 = codesters.Text("Example 2 - Tilted Semi Circle",0,40) text4 = codesters.Text("Example 3 - Sliver or Removed Sliver",0,0) text5 = codesters.Text("SHAPES Toolkit - Scroll down in DRAWING SHAPES",0,-100) text5.set_size(.8)
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