stage.set_background("summer") sprite_maria = codesters.Sprite("person1",-50,-50) sprite_maria.say("Hi. I am Maria.") stage.wait(2) sprite_maria.say("Would you like to play rock, paper, and scissors?") stage.wait(2) choices = ["rock", "paper", "scissors"] again = "yes" while again == "yes": user_choice = sprite_maria.ask("rock, paper, or scissors?") user_choice = user_choice.lower() stage.wait(2) if user_choice in choices: comp_choice = random.choice(choices) sprite_maria.say("Computer picked ", comp_choice) stage.wait(5) if user_choice == comp_choice: sprite_maria.say("Tied, try again!") elif user_choice == "rock" and comp_choice == "scissors": sprite_maria.say("You win!") elif user_choice == "paper" and comp_choice == "rock": sprite_maria("You win!") elif user_choice == "scissors" and comp_choice == "paper": sprite_maria.say("You win!") else: sprite_maria.say("Sorry, computer wins!") else: print("Sorry, " + user_choice + " is not a valid choice") stage.wait(3) again = sprite_maria.ask("Play again, yes/no?") again = again.lower()
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