Today you will learn how to code a game!

  • Click Run to start. Then click on the strong passwords to gain points, but watch out for the weak passwords!

Strong passwords have a mix of uppercase letters, lowercase letters, symbols, and numbers.

Weak passwords are simple, contain only uppercase or lowercase letters, don't mix different kinds of characters, or reference personal information about you, such as your name, your pet's name, or your birthday.

To navigate the page using the TAB key, first press ESC to exit the code editor.

stage.set_background("underwater") score = 0 score_board = codesters.Display(score) weak_pws = ["password", "password123", "123456", "hello1", "snuffles", "emma2003"] strong_pws = ["GgbvTa581!@", "@Mjrc0olguy!", "007jmSB0nd!", "108turt!es762", "Avv3SoMe!305"] all_pws = strong_pws + weak_pws password = codesters.Text("password") def interval(): rand_x = random.randint(-225, 225) rand_y = random.randint(-225, 225) rand_pw = random.choice(all_pws) password.set_text(rand_pw) password.go_to(rand_x, rand_y) stage.event_interval(interval, 3) def click(sprite): global score pw_text = password.get_text() if pw_text in weak_pws: score -= 1 score_board.update(score) if pw_text in strong_pws: score += 1 score_board.update(score) rand_x = random.randint(-240, 240) rand_y = random.randint(-240, 240) rand_pw = random.choice(all_pws) password.set_text(rand_pw) password.go_to(rand_x, rand_y) if score == 10: text = codesters.Text("You Win!", 0, 150, "red") password.hide() password.event_click(click)
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